
I don’t understand how signature export works. Explain how to fill the table, in what way?

Suggestion: instead of a table with signatures, it would be optionally convenient to see statistics of the last kills from the zkillboard, so as not to click the link every time.

To understand when the last battle was, which can inform about the security of the system. And now you have to click on the link, look at the page there, go back - it’s inconvenient. Pathfinder has a separate window for this - it would be convenient to have something like this.

hi @AlexNT ,

sorry for my late response.
You need to copy your scan in game and paste it in wham-per

It a case of study to have more infos about kill and stats when node are selected.

I note your suggestion

Hi @HonGillDon ,

you to have a posgresql database too.

I think your program has great potential, it is very easy to install and works quickly even on a virtual machine. I understand that you are doing this out of pure enthusiasm, but still I ask you to take into account the situation with the signature parser. Your parser processes lines received from a client in English. The line contains tab characters, so it is impossible to manually enter data in this field (you cannot enter a tab character in the field), what is received from a client not in English is not processed. Therefore, the parser for other client languages ​​does not work. I suggest considering the possibility of manual input, for example, it is enough to enter only codes like “JKZ-710” line by line into the parser - and let the parser add a list with empty lines, where you can then specify the desired parameters. In the case of steam streaming, the clipboard is not transferred. Well, all clients not in English are also unable to transfer data. Sorry for such a complicated description, I hope I wrote it clearly. ) I do not know English well.

Thank you for your explanations,
You’re right, the tests only run in English and French.
I 'm going to open a bug to manage the other languages.

I remain at your disposal for further information.
Don’t hesitate to create a bug or an enhancement request on GitHub GitHub - pfh59/eve-whmapper: simple eve online wormhole mapper.

Hi all,

New feature and fixes are available since yesterday :slight_smile:

  • Multimap: You can define several cards and manage their access by Alliance/Corporation/Character. By default, if no access is defined, anyone can access each card; otherwise, the administrator must define access for each card, taking into account the access list defined.
  • Import signatures fixes : Whatever your language define in game, signatures import are fixed
  • Improvement of security : The new configuration of HAproxy obtain a A level note with security test headers (https://securityheaders.com)

If you want to update your current config to the latest build, in some case database can’t create new mapId key in other table because your first map id ("Default map use id >1)
In that case you need to create a new entry in “Maps” table manually :
Connect to your posgres and run this command

  • insert into “Maps” values (1,“New map”)

Restart your container
All your Notes will be on this maps. Do not delete it on map management menu if you don’t want to loose your data Notes.

Muli maps screenshots :

  • Multi Map Admin :

  • If no access is set :

  • If access is set :

A new release 1.1.0 shall be shipped soon.

New release v1.1.0

New release v1.1.1

1 Like

New doc website is available and in progress.
see section section :

  • Getting Started
  • Authenticate Module
  • Map Module
  • Release Note

Other module will be coming soon

Hello everyone,

An error has just been corrected in the eve-whmapper docker-compose.yml file. The version was locked at 1.0. In this case, you cannot receive the latest version. To do this, you need to change the docker-compose.yml file :

image: ghcr.io/pfh59/eve-whmapper:1.0
image: ghcr.io/pfh59/eve-whmapper:latest

Please check all release notes to release the update from version 1.0.x to 1.1.x

1 Like

Is it possible to have connections between systems to not expire after a certain time? We want to use a kind of static map of a couple locked low sec systems and track the WHs that originate from them. After a while, the connections (gate jumps in this case) also expire and get automatically removed.

Is this at all possible?

Hi @Zack_Ryanke ,

You can set a map of LS systems with their connections.
There is no timeout .

Systems and connections shall be delete manually.

Lock is only available for system not for connection.

New release v1.1.2

New release v1.1.3

New release v1.1.4

I’m trying to run it under Windows.
Where to add Callback URL?


Callback shall be set in https://developers.eveonline.com/

Eve-whmapper requires CCP’s SSO authentication API to use the ESI API. Register your app at developers.eveonline.com:

  1. Click the “MANAGE APPLICATIONS” button.
  2. Click the “CREATE NEW APPLICATION” button.
  3. Choose a name for your installation (e.g., prod eve-whmapper).
  4. Enter a description for this installation (e.g., Eve Wormhole Mapper on production).
  5. Change “CONNECTION TYPE” to “Authentication & API Access”.
  6. Add the minimum required “PERMISSIONS” (scopes):
  • esi-location.read_location.v1
  • esi-location.read_ship_type.v1
  • esi-ui.open_window.v1
  • esi-ui.write_waypoint.v1
  • esi-search.search_structures.v1
  1. Set your “CALLBACK URL” (e.g., https://your.domain.com/sso/callback).
  2. Click the “CREATE APPLICATION” button.
  3. Copy the Client ID, Secret Key, and Callback URL for use in the next configuration step.

Are you using standalone App or docker?

Hi all,

The new version is currently being validated.

Significant improvements to authentication and correction of a intempestive disconnection bug after returning to the whmapper browser tab.

To try this version, change your docker-compose channel to dev rather than latest.

  • sudo docker compose stop
  • sudo docker compose rm
  • sudo docker compose up --no-start
  • sudo docker compose start

See the current version to dev version as 0.0.0

Or waiting the next release version 1.1.5

For your information, the next feature will be the ability to open several accounts in the same tab

Project Repo: GitHub - pfh59/eve-whmapper: simple eve online wormhole mapper.
Documentation : Eve Wormhole Mapper Docs | Eve Wormhole Mapper