Whscan.info - wormhole database (and some more)

Hey everyone!
Few years ago I’ve already launched this project, but then lost my github account and all servers, so this is the resurrection.
Previous topic - https://forums.eveonline.com/t/whscan-cf-wormhole-database/41463/11

My first corporation was a few guys who lived in C3. That was a great time - i was just a newbie in big EVE Online world, and just started exploring it.
At that times there was a great instrument (which name I can’t actually remember), it was something like wormhol[dot]es or dotlan - wormhole database with anomaly details, static explanation, anomaly enemy waves list and so on.

Some time ago i decided to migrate to W-space again, but it was obvious that there is no instrument that suited my needs, so I created my own - https://whscan.info
There is nothing really outstanding with it, it is just a good usefull, comfortable tool.

What you can actually use it for:

  • check system information (class, effect, statics, zkillboard info, anomalies list)
  • anomaly details (type, npc types, waves, gas type/amount, etc)
  • statics description (mass, size)
  • BETA ingame notifications in your browser - kill feature, your keepstar is under attack or POS running out of fuel, or maybe some contract was sold? Keep in touch with it even offline - login using EVE SSO and receive this news with native browser notifications. Absolutely secure - I don’t store anything, once you receive it noone else including myself can read it.
  • write and read comments about every system/anomaly.
  • more features coming soon :wink:

Just check out this tool and feel free to comment, ask questions and request further functionality.


Looks good!

I was expecting to type the wormhole code in and get the info on it, I have tried 3 WM codes and neither show up, am I doing something wrong?

Codes start with 3 letters then a - then 3 numbers, I presume they are unique identifiers?

I think you are typing in the cosmic signature identifiers. You need to warp to the wormhole and enter it to get the name of the wormhole. It will begin with “J”.

Thank You for your wonderfull project its better then Ellatha.com wormhole list becouse it has those annoying twich that make me lag when using.
From now on I will be using your site,

All the wormholes have “J” in front can you make it so we can type only the numbers without the “J”?
its way faster that way

Thank you

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