Who Came Up with The Triglavians?

Drifters are A.I that developed in the Sleeper virtual reality. They got out and assembled usable bodies out of corpses and tech.


O ■■■■ that’s insane, Eve horror storyline when? lol

Perhaps @CCP_Mimic (from Team Event Horizon) can answer that question. Maybe you can reach out to her via the Eve Discord channel - if she does not see this post here… At least she was the dev/producer on the team that worked on the Triglavian invasion chapters.

I’m sure the person who hasn’t been here for over 3 years will respond shortly. This is your daily reminder that the majority of devs jumped ship after PA bought CCP.

At least OP has a name now of a person who has the info he seeks …

Maybe OP can try to reach out to her via ccp Swift if she keeps low profile on social media (can’t blame her).

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