Why antigank?

I thought that was “He-who-must-not-be-named-or-else-he’ll-abuse-the-flagging-system-and-flag-your-posts-to-censor-them.

No that guy doesn’t want to jeopardize his automated market operation by showing up here and getting nailed for evasion so instead of toeing the line here he spreads :poop: in the official discord and twitch channels.


Settle down Sargon…

Do people see what this post is , someone responded and they take the piss

It’s all just bait to try and get attention , Drac is right very few people ag these days just as very few gank compared to the past, whether it’s the game changing or players changing I’m not sure .

I think the grieffing style of play is seeing less favour these days and many of these groups originated from toxic play style.

Was reading on Reddit the other day a Korean woman experiences with a certain group where toxic play style is tolerated. It will never stop but I think it’s better .

And it’s this toxic , grieffing play style that got me into what ganker call anti-ganking. At the high of code you only had to show the slightest resistance to ganking and your group would be destroyed, some even spend time infiltrating opposing groups to destroy them from the inside, or you would be war Dec to death.

Now many of these activities are a part of eve , wars , infiltration spying , propaganda etc and these make eve fun but always a few take is to far so I started to fight where many would not . So I made this character to do it.

At first I labelled many if not all ganker with the toxic grief brush but I was wrong, in fact over my time fighting them I have become friends with some, other we have civil conversations now , so I was wrong to label all , they just want to play Eve as a ganker or pirate . But others are still pure toxic.
Now ever group has them as the Korean woman’s post shows but gankers and low sec pirates seem to have a higher concentration of them. Killing these type of players I discovered can generate a massive amount of salt and aggression for having the audacity to kill them and stop there antics, so I found the perfect target , a group of players that love to fight and PvP but hate losing.

Now ganking sadly can’t sustain an anti play style on its own so it’s time to move on to new things but iwe will still be anti crime as we see it and fight it where we can and help the victimize and defenseless players of Eve.

"and I said to myself no don’t reply to her bait "



This change was about messing up someone elses plan.

This was one of the reasons why AG play reduced, I had many AG friends that hunted gankers with KR’s, but tethering largely stopped that fun. They stopped playing basically, Bigbud was one of those that did that and was well known to the ganking community. As I keep saying balance is key, and tethering was one of the things that destroyed that balance, another was making remote reps a CONCORD offense, which destroyed AG fleets. At that point there was no point to do it with friends… As Lucas Kell said, AG became too hard and even worse, it was no longer a fun group activity.


One funny time talking of tethering , we found 3 tornadoes tethered , our bumper did a perfect bump and the first ship came off tether , followed by the other 2, he had hit the anchor. All 3 exploded but we had to wait around for our salt as the ganker was Afk.

And boy did we get salt , we could have had him band but we new he was just mad at losing three ships why playing like a noob

That’s why we anti-gank , lots of little stories like that of working together as a team.

Please support @Aiko_Danuja post and say why you anti-gank in the past.


Considering afk bot aspirant gameplay is against the ganker code I guess he got his own justice delivered to him. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


The majority of gankers I knew played just for fun. They where the most chill people I ever played EVE with.

On the other hand, while there are some few ag people that where playing for fun (I only ever knew one who played for fun) to hunt gankers, most of them did it because they despise gankers (like you just admittet), they want to grief them out of the game, get them banned by CCP or get rid of ganking altogether. It also seems it’s usually not the brightest people who develop this attitude and get upset about spaceships getting shot in a spaceship shooting game. So on top of already being angry, the complete impotence to do something about it, let to some extremely toxic and weird behavior.

This is why the ag community is to this day regarded as one of the most toxic EVE player groups. They don’t play because they like EVE, they play because they don’t like the way it is.


I’m sure what you experienced is true but I have never experienced toxic play from anti-gank community.

Unless like Aiko you count everyone you kill as ag , then yes I’ve seen what the say , the worst culprits do seem to be on neither side

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Have you tried ganking?


She prefers to grief gankers.

I’m not at all clear how anti-ganking ever works. As far as asteroid belts are concerned, they have no idea which miner the Catalysts will go for, or when, so I’d like to hear of an actual case where AG ever stopped an asteroid or ice belt gank. I mean, I know from the ganks I have done that gankers are in there, target miner, fire, etc…all within seconds.

I know of one person who foiled a gank in a belt…but he was multiboxing and effectively baiting and had a cloaked battlecruiser next to his mining ship. Even then, he took out just one Catalyst…or rather, got added to the Concord kill for it. The gank failed, but that was more due to most of the Cats being too far away.

As for stargates, anyone passing through them has the added protection of gate guns…so more Cats are needed. Even then, I simply don’t believe any anti-ganker can have any meaningful impact given that they themselves cannot really fire until the gankers go flashy…which gives a ridiculously short time to respond. Of course, some gankers are always flashy, but then those ones aren’t going to be hanging about at stargates but instead are much more ‘rapid response’.

So, other than the baiter I’ve never heard of anyone foiling a gank. I’ve heard tales of smart bombs being used, but that’s going to lose the AG people their ships, which seems counter-productive if the whole idea is to save ships. And in any case why lose any ship to ‘help’ some miner who is not going to compensate you ?

Listening to anti-gWankers explain why they anti-gWank is like listening to that crazy lady who preaches that cats should either be made to become vegan or euthanized.

Why bother? Antiganking is literally just watching someone else play a video game, and then when they get bored and quit, you obsessively try to keep their character alive. Understandably, most players won’t waste time trying to save other players, who are usually AFK and don’t even care about their own ship.

What motivates the antiganker? It’s not clear, since most refuse to communicate, apparently out of shame. This leaves us with the roleplayers, people like Dracvlad and Githany who enjoy posting about antiganking, but they also can’t be bothered to do it. Since neither one of them is a real antiganker, we gain no insight from their posts.

The actual antigankers are exceedingly strange individuals. The consensus is that they are bitter antisocial bears. All seem to have a loss in their past, so apparently they are raging endlessly against someone that doesn’t play the game anymore. These individuals appear fixated on their loss, and unable to get over it. That’s sad!

One antiganking pleb explained that he felt like a police officer in real-life, and it was ok that miners don’t appreciate him, because he is doing the “right” thing. Regardless, he never actually helped anyone, he just sperged a lot and orbited the gate as quickly as possible, in an interceptor which inevitably died (as did it’s replacement).

Miners are not people in “need” of help. They are just so bored and disinterested that they’ve gone AFK. Honestly, if you truly want to help people, you could go volunteer at a soup kitchen, but “helping” lazy AFK gamers is kinda silly. In fact, the miners I gank often pay me, and thank me for killing them. They enjoy the content, which makes antigankers seem even more absurd.

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Well, aside from that…mining is part of a pyramid of activity the very apex of which is combat pew pew. It’s absurd to see some miners arguing as is Eve was just a mining game and those pesky PvP people are ‘interfering’…when the miners are the very people mining the ore from which combat ships are made. Being ganked is thus actually perfect karma. If people mine the very ore that makes Catalysts…they should not be surprised if the fruit of their labour comes to bite them.

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Even the NPCs seem to support ganking, the career agents will happily provide new gankers Catalysts and Coercers.


Which is the OP’s question isn’t it?

I understand the motivation and reasons to antigank for players who are actually good at it and are achieving anything - salty reponse from gankers, stolen loot, ISKs from players they helped to save or at least their praise.

But that is rarely happening and even the best antigankers often run into an issue that gankers will just avoid them and gank elsewhere.

I guess I can understand that some peoples do that as a form of cheap killboard padding. But padding is just padding and you are not “helping” yourself look anything but total noob by doing this. Other reasons, especially when those players never manage to make any difference, I don’t really understand.

There was a guy in Uedama in Scythe when I still played and he was showing up almost daily in EU TZ prime time and he never ever saved anyone that I or REMNANTS ganked. I can’t understand how is that fun - always losing. But EVE players are all weird. We must be when we play this game at all :smiley: