According to this documentary it is a form of international wordsalad
Funny how the mere mention of the Frostpacker triggers such a reaction.
According to this documentary it is a form of international wordsalad
Funny how the mere mention of the Frostpacker triggers such a reaction.
Why do I feel like there is secret code hidden in there, what does each direction reference?
Yes, there is an unlock code to a secure audit cargo container that currently hold 4500 plex and some change.
Try and find the code to anchor it!
Actually I am the gifted one and no amount of demands will ever change my decision unless we mind meld.
Decides we know fang will keep strutting her stuff like most show offs tend to do.
There are two Frostpackers in this thread!
Are you two brothers?
Sorry, @Chad_Frostpacker but Iceacid is cuter than you are… just saying, sir.
I wish I had a sister to play online games with me
Why are you doing this, please stop it already.
If you keep this up I will have to tell Felix as I’m the sensitive one which is why I am gifted.
Oh I am so sorry. Sometimes I say things I should not say but I find out after I say them.
Is Felix another brother of your? You are lucky to have so many siblings.
I am so sorry, I didn’t know.
They have one thing in common - both misogynistic oafs that owe Zaera ISK
Well at least you were able to answer your own question about what is a gunk
It does seem you indeed gunk first.
That’s what gunk means? To say something inappropriate without knowing it’s inappropriate?
Yes the same as when a ganker attacks a miner pilot without giving warning.
Misogynistic oafs? Are you sure? Must be sure before we accuse men of being misogynistic because it’s a serious charge.
Also, is Isk all you care about? You also asked me for Isk. Isn’t that kind if greedy?
You mean to unlock the items in it to can take them.
But who knows what the password might be?
Poor @Conference_Elitest.
Fang is not greedy just somebody who has needs.
But aren’t gankers like pirates? Did pirates give warning before attacking her majesty’s caravels?
It is an honor to give Zaera your isk
I’m pretty sure they give him a warning if he pays 1 bil ISK to them beforehand.
Oh, ok. If you say it’s an honor then it must be. I already said I will give you my first billion. Then I will be honored…
Exactly how will I be honored?
Don’t bother if its a frostpacker, just blow the crap out of his ship as he won’t pay.