That hold zero weight for the debate on this anti gank topic
Pirates can be attacked due to security status or killright.
That hold zero weight for the debate on this anti gank topic
Pirates can be attacked due to security status or killright.
Is it always 1 billion isk?
Yes if it’s the Frostpacker that is his standard fee.
I did not quite understand the OP though so I think I can get a pass😊
Ah yes, it’s true. Her majesty used to pay freebooters and other adventurers to hunt pirates down.
And what happens if he doesn’t pay?
That’s for Aiko and Zaera to decide.
Aiko is the OP I see. She looks tough, I would not want to be on her bad side.
Aiko is a scary pirate.
She does look fearsome. I would give her that isk you owe if I were you!
He really should but for now he tries to resist the urge, self-admitted in one of his recent wordsalad
I am over it, I let Princess Aiko go months ago as I don’t even donate anything for ganking services anymore.
Despite this we all know he will not be able to resist forever.
He is walking a tight rope. I would not want her mad at me! @Zaera_Keena is bad enough wanting to suck my lifeblood, I don’t want to imagine what Aiko would do to me
Nothing of the sort was mentioned in the game’s advertisements. They should let people know what they’re walking into playing this game.
@Zaera_Keena That one is even scarier than the other
It would be an honour for the Vampire Princess to gank and feed from you.
She’s a vampire too?
I had a nightmare last night, just as I predicted.
I and two other girls arrived at a temple-like house where the host was deceiving us as to its purpose. He looked like an evil warlock.
Then we got trapped into the house and every room turned out to be torture chambers and the warlock changed into a demon and there was a woman also, she looked like a demon too and they were trying to take all of our blood and the house became alive too.
I think we escaped through the front door with the help of a nice-looking gentleman. I woke up then.
The advertisement for EVE Online did not mention that it would give nightmares. It definitely did not.
Maybe the Frostpacker secretly mind melded with you.
Frotpacker’s idea of a nigthmare is having Maggie scrapped
I don’t think so.
It was definitely Zaera’s scary posts.
The mind meld only works at contact with the subject otherwise Spock would be Professor X
Who is Maggie, and why is she getting scrapped?
This game is more violent than fisrt thought.