No but they can also be charged of anti-trust as for the other companies associated with them.
They also try to bail out faster and get others stuck with abusive procedures of encryption which are not necessary and meant to impede with fairness, without authorization to do so in the circumstances.
Itâs like the man who asks me for $0.25 and has more money than me, and, knows that I only have $0.20 which I need for my marriage,
which they kept delaying for over 9 years,
during which time they tried to make me crazy,
and intended to cause the end of my family name,
and tell me that Iâm lucky to get married,
but when told I got referred for it from the Pentagon,
try to make it seem like if heâs not with them,
as if heâs against them,
and trying to make it seem as if they couldnât help me,
while they were trying to cause problems and military problems,
which is also public and not secret,
which those intending to make it secret also didnât have the right to be.
2 hours later at 04:15 Thu Mar 11, 2021:
They create encryption and seek to justify transfer of intellectual property rights without thinking the people they seek to transfer the intellectual property rights of, did not contract to transfer those rights,
by attrition.
They then also seek to forfeit the rights of those people to not be associating with those who seek and sought to have their intellectual property forfeited, which creators rights, they still have,
even after illegal forfeiture of their right,
and even after they sought to be justifying the illegal transfer of their intellectual property rights,
while omitting simple automation,
which could not only prevent illegal actions in regards to those intellectual property rights, and,
inventory records of those sought forfeiture of those rights,
but also,
additional psychological warfare and denial of those rights and attacks against them by seeking to forfeit inventory of those attacks as well.
Itâs also better for society and in the public interest to have those inventory records of how they seek to forfeit intellectual property rights,
and seek to justify to transfer intellectual property rights, by forfeiture,
denial of justice,
against international rights,
and illegally seeking to justify their attacks against it,
in electronic warfare and other acts of war,
each of which illegal, and illegal to associate with,
or to hide them after the fact,
as harboring and concealing.
GME TodayâŚ

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