Why didnt u sell on top? 📉

This is (meaning cryptocurrency in general) something I have been reading about since the beginning and still have almost no understanding of.
My only direct experience with it was a friend of mine who was dying of cancer, she bought about $100 USD worth of, I think, bitcoin to get medications she lacked access to. It worked, and she left about $25 - $30 in the wallet thing or what ever it is and forgot about it for quite a while. At some point she wanted to get something else and when she went to get more bit coin she discovered that she now had over $500.
That got me more interested but I still didn’t understand what it is, how it works, and it still gives me this feeling that if I buy $100 worth something bad will happen. Not that I will just lose it, but that the IRS will haul me off, or that someone profoundly evil is sitting back and diabolically laughing in their lair while rubbing their hands together in glee as people pour money into their pockets…
I’m not going to ask anyone in here to explain it to me, I think if I was going to understand it I would by now, but it still makes me curious, and eventually I suppose I will see what happens if I dump a hundred bucks into it and let it sit for a while.

I just tried to get $50 transferred, which is the mininum.
They mention it takes 30 minutes to confirm.
24 hours to clear.

Send an eTransfer to ...@coinberry.com

  • Please ensure the e-transfer is sent from your … Bank account. Account name miss-matches will cause processing delays. Funds received from anyone other than the account holder will be rejected.

We process your eTransfer as soon as we receive it. However, … Bank may take up to 30 minutes to send it.

Not following the exact instructions above will result in delay and possible loss of your transfer.

Don’t see a previous e-Transfer yet? Click here to recover your funds

Important: Withdrawals will be locked for 24 hours after you successfully fund your account for the first time. The hold period does not affect trading. Once the hold period has expired, you may withdraw your crypto or your fiat from your account.

Click here to read more on why we do this.

Recover funds

If you funded through e-Transfer more than 30 minutes ago and do not see your funds yet, click here to recover your funds

A long time ago, we traded useful stuff, like arrowheads. But everybody had to work with that system, and nobody got rich. So, people started using useless stuff like gold and special seashells - which were mostly worthless, but took a very long time to accumulate.

Then people started using slips of paper that were supposed to represent gold. Whatever, right? The gold was mostly useless so the slips of paper were fine. Then they got rid of the gold-backing thing because it served no real purpose. Eventually even the slips of paper went away and the banking system sort-of keeps track of everything in big electronic databases.

So, money has no intrinsic value, but the banking system and governments spend a lot of time keeping the system from collapsing. So far, so good.

So if money has no value, then why not introduce more worthless stuff and call it “currency”? Enter bitcoin. Some schemer came up with some way to mostly make sure you cannot counterfeit these bitcoins… except that they aren’t worth anything to begin with. In the end, the idea failed, since everybody realized they didn’t need the original bitcoins - everybody could make up their own worthless cryptocurrency and hawk it to their own downline of dupes and suckers.

It is kind of like collecting milk caps, or beanie babies, or baseball cards, except without any underlying pseudo-asset.


The e-Transfer is already present

but , it doesn’t show in my balance yet.

2. - 4 minutes later at 06:02 Wed Mar 10, 2021:

Why can’t I withdraw from my account?

24 hour hold period

The hold period countdown is only after the first funding of the account. The hold period does not affect trading. You may still continue to buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, XRP and Stellar on our platform. Once the hold period has completed, you may withdraw your crypto or your fiat from your account.

As a registered Money Services Business (MSB) with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) we follow Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policies. The 24 hour hold period is needed as it helps prevent fraud and money laundering on Coinberry. The security and safety of every customer on our platform is of the utmost importance.

For further information on what Coinberry does to protect your account, see our article here.

Withdrawal balance is under the minimum

The minimum withdrawal amount for Canadian Dollar and Crypto amounts are stated on our fees page.

29/09/2020 2:14 PM

And you can actually hack it. So its not so safe, and the blockchain, the main thing that trust for crypto is build upon, doesnt work as good as people think, right now, not even really clear how will future look…

The funny thing is that I already knew all that more or less, but now, thanks your very enjoyable description, I now know what I suspected about cryptocurrency…
It’s the same dammed thing. again.

1 Like

The thing is,
once there is electronic warfare and psychological warfare and communication warfare against the Block Chain,
authorities refuse to protect it,
they endanger those authorities,
with the money those authorities print, and back, and so on,
it is on its own to fend for itself,
military security.

Just because some people try to interfere against communication about problems they seek to cause to the communication of those Block Chain for encryption, which,
electronic data transaction systems are,
as electronic data transaction systems are a form of communication of
electronic data, and,
a communication of electronic data used to conduct,
accomplish, account for, do accounting for,
electronic data transaction systems (EDTS),
doesn’t mean that it doesn’t interfere against the transaction of those Block Chain,
those Block Chain also use communication to transact,
to do so, transact those electronic data,
as part of their systems.

Other parts of their systems include the encryption systems,
changes to those encryption systems,
and the systems used to do so, encrypt those data, and, data systems.
Some of those systems are hardware systems,
which hardware systems uses forms of encryption to create themselves,
which encryption also is a code to create and design the hardware,
and, which code to create and design the hardware also is used to make that hardware function by interpreting that code, and,
create new code to interpret new code.

Just because I have court cases with it that are relevant to those cases,
which, some legal entities and lawyers and judges and prosecuting attorneys, whether for the government or other,
try to make my work seem to be irrelevant,
doesn’t mean that they are not trying to attack my work,
diminish the value of my work,
and did not interfere against me marriage,
and, interfere against the moral of that marriage and related systems,
such as human rights, and other facts, they wrongfully seem to make annoying,
and a danger to them,
as they in fact are the ones who seek to justify damage to me,
which is not and was not encryption,
and was using their system(s) as weapon(s) rather than to be of public interest,
which public interest they tried to create to be against me,
and, which public interest they tried to justify to marginalize people,
against their human rights.

210310w2 We 1009 -Last Month
210310w2 We 1009 -Last Month


210310w2 We 1010 -Last Week


210310w2 We 1011 -Last 24H


210310w2 We 1011 -Last Hour

210310w2 We 1013 -24H
210310w2 We 1013 -24H

+$50 before 24 hours.


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It’s easier for everyone to read topics that have fewer in-depth replies versus lots of small, individual replies.

I hear it has the best fundamentals. Like the true winner tech

By the time I had opportunities to invest in Dogecoin, and,
start mining Dogecoin, with a server,
I would have made over 400% per years on it.

It just grew over 400% on the last 1 to 2 months that my CoinBerry account was delayed from overload,
as, everyone overloaded it, and,
I would have had to find another transaction company to validate my Identification and so on.

So, that was deliberately diverted that specific way,
also, the government sought to forfeit my hardware,
and misrepresent forfeiture as money,
for facts and scientific facts that were not real,
while, abusing image recognition programs,
could have instead been used to prevent crimes,
which were instead used to incriminate by refusing to inform those in needs and coerced into crimes…

Also, since I am a systems analyst and analyze information gap for legal feasibility, and, by legal systems, it is also obvious that I can’t let them abuse my family as they try to, and tried and will try.

So yes, the person who offered me to mine those Dogecoin also works with my boss who also works with electronic warfare with the army,
which is public, and not secret.

They also obviously deal with anti-trust cases for trillions.

Like, how unrealistic will Apple and Google be when I apply to work for them, to save them to be liable of anti-trust.

They won’t contract because I already have enough to buy their stocks.
That makes them more liable.

Are you sure you know something now? Because Xeux got a lot of things wrong.

Money doesn’t need to have intrinsic value. In fact Bitcoin is actually just a ledger, like a global book that keeps account of who owns what amounts. That is enough already. Any yes, everyone can make a fork of this software, but not everyone can create a network of 10k nodes, with a ledger secured by math and insane amounts of energy that is trusted by millions and more and more people around the world. You can’t just copy that. In fact there will always only be one big PoW chain, and that will most likely be Bitcoin. All others have to switch to PoS, which has it’s own set of flaws and can not even be remotely as secure.

There are those people that understand this and invest into it, and then there are those who want to stay poor out of some stupid pride. I didn’t get it for years and was shitting on it because I thought I’m too late and it’s just a scary stupid thing that can’t possibly work, until I actually understood it and realized that we are still early.

Only two types of people. Too bad we can’t all be smart like Karak.

If everybody invests in Bitcoin then everybody can be richer than everybody else! Win win!

1 Like

No but they can also be charged of anti-trust as for the other companies associated with them.

They also try to bail out faster and get others stuck with abusive procedures of encryption which are not necessary and meant to impede with fairness, without authorization to do so in the circumstances.

It’s like the man who asks me for $0.25 and has more money than me, and, knows that I only have $0.20 which I need for my marriage,
which they kept delaying for over 9 years,
during which time they tried to make me crazy,
and intended to cause the end of my family name,
and tell me that I’m lucky to get married,
but when told I got referred for it from the Pentagon,
try to make it seem like if he’s not with them,
as if he’s against them,
and trying to make it seem as if they couldn’t help me,
while they were trying to cause problems and military problems,
which is also public and not secret,
which those intending to make it secret also didn’t have the right to be.

2 hours later at 04:15 Thu Mar 11, 2021:
They create encryption and seek to justify transfer of intellectual property rights without thinking the people they seek to transfer the intellectual property rights of, did not contract to transfer those rights,
by attrition.

They then also seek to forfeit the rights of those people to not be associating with those who seek and sought to have their intellectual property forfeited, which creators rights, they still have,
even after illegal forfeiture of their right,
and even after they sought to be justifying the illegal transfer of their intellectual property rights,
while omitting simple automation,
which could not only prevent illegal actions in regards to those intellectual property rights, and,
inventory records of those sought forfeiture of those rights,
but also,
additional psychological warfare and denial of those rights and attacks against them by seeking to forfeit inventory of those attacks as well.

It’s also better for society and in the public interest to have those inventory records of how they seek to forfeit intellectual property rights,
and seek to justify to transfer intellectual property rights, by forfeiture,
denial of justice,
against international rights,
and illegally seeking to justify their attacks against it,
in electronic warfare and other acts of war,
each of which illegal, and illegal to associate with,
or to hide them after the fact,
as harboring and concealing.


GME Today…




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My name is not Jeff Bezo(s),
I am not half or 1/3 as rich…
Except when he writes to me about it…

Or just print enough cryptos and bitcoin x.xx so it will be enough for everyone, and everyone will be rich!

Plenty of people in this thread on their way to be obsoleted.

I’d leave you in your ignorance, but I know that even if I tell you that you are making a grave mistake and pretty much are playing the luddites of your days by trying to thrash a tech you obviously don’t understand, and I have carefully read the 3 big no-no people in this thread, one understands the tech but fails to understand its actual uses (as in creating products that can’t be regulated lul), and the others two are just stuck at 2013 and 2017 at best lol, even if I warn you you won’t change your mind, so yeah, time will tell.

Anyway, I’d advise you to carefully watch what happen this year, your only hope is that indeed some regulation manage to throttle the thing, but if it doesn’t, you gonna all look real dumb by the end of the year.

But hey, whatever. @Karak_Terrel abandon this thread. Better to let actions speak than try to talk with people who are not in to talk.

1 Like

You are basically like: It will be raining or not.

Well, thats anybodys guess.

Some peeps will lose, some peeps will gain.

Buy high, sell low.

Like Newton

Dandelion be like: “All you people are fools - I will ignore all of your arguments, call you luddites, and declare myself the winner of the argument.”

“All pyramid schemes grow to the sky!”

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For example like if you would have bought right when you made this thread to tell everyone to sell you would be +41% in profit.

Fortunately I am impervious to FOMO, and I dont let emotions dictate my spendings or investments.