Why didnt u sell on top? 📉

fiat currency? Don’t you mean crackpot currency?

You mean you treat it like a granny putting all the dollars into her own mattress?
What if one day your house burns? You could literally lose everything.
Are you insured from your bitcoins burning away?

Fiat currency along with gun boat diplomacy

That’s not where she stuffed them

If every satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) was worth 1 cent/penny/whatever then that prices 1 BTC whole unit at 1,000,000 dolla/poond/whatever and the current estimated target is circa. 250k USD based on upper trend boundary on log scale and SF model puts it at 100k (it will pass that due to mania before settling back)

Then again, Black Swans happen

And if you like underdogs, there’s Vertcoin :smiley:

And if you want an exit, there’s PAXG for claimable physical gold exposure (Paxos is registered in NY)

A pip is 4 decimal places of movement in forex, currency can be 6 decimal places divisbility as can stocks prices

Bitcoin is far from done yet, it’s in the third logaritmic parabolic advance in its history, not even half way


Still not selling

I use open source software that runs on hardware under my control. I run a full node, no external service is involved.

Most people will always use everything over custodial services and that is fine, I don’t care, I’m not most people. Most people don’t have their own mail server, they could, but they don’t. The point is that they could and that changes the whole dynamic of customer/provider relationship of those services.

Yes, but I prefer the cryptographic, programable evolution of that concept

I get 6% interest when lending my Bitcoin (that is on top of asset value increase) because they can’t inflate it and actually need the real thing to do business with it. That market is still intact. The fiat market isn’t, because they can just create it. You can’t, but they somehow can.

Yes, but at a predictable decreasing rate and not at someones whim.

No, it is enforced by the rules of the network. There are multiple implementations of the protocol by multiple developers and not only would they have to agree, the users would have to accept and update, which they would completely refuse if this was changed for no good reason everyone could agree on.

Lol, cool story bra. Go read some more about how this all works before you write again :joy:

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I know how bitcoin works. You want to buy an item from a store. That store only takes real currency, not scamcoins. You have to use a third-party service that takes your scamcoins and gives the store real currency. The only difference between buying with bitcoin and using Paypal/credit cards/etc is that with real currency you have legal protections if the third party scams you, while with bitcoin there’s nothing preventing the payment processor from keeping your money (at which point the store declines the transaction and you get nothing).

This is technically not the case if you pay directly with bitcoin but, as I’ve mentioned before, I can’t think of a single thing I pay for that accepts bitcoin directly. So unless all you do with bitcoin is gamble on the bitcoin market you have to trust third-party payment processors.

It’s both a gamble and an experiment and a rebellion.

And yes it’s paying off nicely, look at all the fear and dissruption, working as intended, if it wasn’t there, you would not be seeing changes happening in “traditional” finance or services. That’s how dissruptive change works, and it is a good thing and a necesary thing for evolution.

More pressure on now for cheap faster transactions, more pressure on for real time settlements, more pressure on for better services… without all this, you would be still on the old.

Same with the internet, if it wasn’t for that gamble and experiment you would still be on dialup BBS’s and fax machines but notice one thing, they always try to take control of it and close it off again from you. Same old playbooks.

It is like democracy and liberty and freedoms, it is a fight EVERY generation has to fight, not take for granted or you lose it.

Your freedom is paid for by the owners of the machines keeping up the ledgers. Since you can’t keep up a ledger with a basement server, the owners of the mining centers own your freedom, and may (and will) charge for it whatever they please. Now, let’s say you’re an evil anti-freedom cabal and want to get rid of Bitcoin… so you offer big money (real money, not bitcoins) to the mining operators and buy all mining centers. And then you charge 5% per transaction. Or 10%. Or 25%. Of course, people sitll will be free to mine the blockchains at home… 5 gigaflops per transaction… 3 teraflops… 9 petaflops per transaction… “Congratulations! Your transaction has been completed after 28 days 12 hours 51 minutes 38.0159 seconds of computing time!”

Bitcoin ledgers grow infinitely, but the computing power to run them doesn’t. And without those who own the computers crunching the numbers behind each transaction, Bitcoin doesn’t exists.

Run one yourself, I do

You can then set the minTxfee to broadcast

You can even run a LN node yourself, and determine what to transmit.

I have a few core nodes running now on various chains.

If you limit it to only outbound the bandwidth is miniscule, a few MiB per day per chain.

Disk storage, a few GiB per chain, storage is cheap.

It’s a currency (again with the money vs currency difference), it’s not proven as money, we use metals for money, that’s why there’s various exemptions on gold in many regimes and why we keep it as reserves, also collateral. Currency is to transact, and short term storage, currency in today’s form even digital is fiat. By belief (and decree), not backed by “money” (gold or precious metals).

Note I am not calling fiat or Bitcoin “Money”, I am treating it as a “currency”, there IS a difference. People are making a mistake muddling the difference of money and currency. They also ignore the issue of fungibility.

However, that being said, this IS an experiment I am very willing to participate in. It also spurs other experiments. That’s a GOOD thing, in this case imo.

If you want “money” on chain, look at PAXG, that’s backed by gold and claimable, I WOULD take that as COLLATERAL and PAYMENT for longer term holding rather than convert instantly on the books (think of it like a dollar backed by gold, and claimable as it was pre-Nixon)

If something isn’t backed and claimable by “money” aka gold, you don’t hold it for long periods, it also loses purchasing power. France claimed their gold during Bretton Woods before Nixon de-pegged it.

If you want to keep things for long periods you store it in gold/metals/property, multi generational storage.

Bitcoin is a gamble, experiment, rebellion. And one they’re desparately trying to take back control of.

They already took control of weaker minds. Look at what Musk could do.

They will exploit peoples beliefs, they have that power.

Not mine

I kneel for nobody, not even Zod.

This is a fight to take self-custody of your own stuffz

Nothing is your personal property if you cant defend it. The thing is every government is an overwhelming power, and if it wants, in the end everything will be owned by the State.

Hence the 2nd amendment.

Tyranny creeps in, for a reason

Also why we do “bottom up” and “separation of power”

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History shows that laws change. USA is very young Country, and many hard lessons are still ahead of it.

“Accidental freedom”, they’re trying to fix that mistake, also why we have “limits” of power

Lol. Second amendment cultists are even worse than bitcoin cultists. Your personal AR-15 with all of its OMG XTREME TACTICAL attachments isn’t going to do anything to stop an oppressive government, end of discussion.

It’s a currency

It really isn’t. Being a currency means the ability to spend it universally (or at least near-universally). If I want to buy something in the US every single merchant, with the possible exception of some raving lunatic conspiracy theorist, will take US dollars. How many take bitcoin directly, without a third-party bitcoin processor converting the bitcoin into real currency first? Very, very few.

Bitcoin is a gambling activity. It’s a giant game of chicken where the entire value is driven by a belief that someone else will hold bitcoin longer and therefore allow you to get more value when you cash out.

You will be the person whom stands (behind) next to the AR-15 holder when you need protection and be grateful for it.

You certinally won’t be fighting for your liberties and freedoms.

Why would I want to stand within the blast radius of a drone strike aimed at taking out a domestic terrorist?

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The problem with people like you is it always falls onto somebody else to fight for your liberties and freedoms, never you.

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