Why would I report bots?

It should be an organized, bi-weekly Colosseum event where convicted botters fight to death. I’d even be willing to buy some special skins to subsidize the additional GM/dev manpower that CCP will have to hire to speedup detection and confirmation. With those new people, the contender pool could be kept well stocked and mistakes could be minimized. This kind of criminals should be executed in a spectacle for everyone to enjoy.


The lack of evidence is not the evidence of the lack.

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Then answer the question:

Yes or no?

I already told you that “go duck yourself” is the only answer you’ll get.

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I also already told you that spamming the same question is a personal aggression.

You are assaulting me.

I didnt ask whether I should “duck yourself”, whatever that means.

I asked:

Yes or no?

But you are not the one who chooses what I answer. I chose “go duck yourself”, and that’s all you’ll get you aggressive person.

Your answer does not answer the question.

Yes or no?

go duck yourself.

You got your answer. Case close. Just because you keep crying won’t make me change my mind.


Its pretty clear you have been busted by CCP for botting, and probably have continued botting since.

Any reasonable person with nothing to hide would simply have answered “No, I have not botted” or “Yes, I was busted for botting”, but instead you answer “duck you” and claim that as valid.

I knew it.

no, but maybe 2-3 times a year (probably wishful thinking).

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So did you enjoy the ducks ?

Are you enjoying your botting?

go duck yourself, I told you.

Yeah, spoken like a botter.

nope. Any reasonnable person would have noticed how you distort what people answer you and that answering you is the worse one can do on this foum.

Hence, take a brake and go duck yourself.

By the way you are insulting me of being a botter. You are now harasssing and insulting.
congratulations !

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You had your chance like ten times to simply answer no, I have not been and am not a botter.

But you didnt.

yeah, because I answered you to go duck yourself, as it is what you deserve - and what you should do.

NOW Salvos.

Which didnt answer my question, at all.

You could have said you have not been and are not a botter.
You didnt do that.

Pretty clear you didnt, because you have been and are a botter.

You wont admit that, and instead tell me to “duck myself”
Wtf does that even mean?

You cannot ask people on the forum about having committed EULA violations just like you cannot ask them about their age or home address. These things don’t belong here.

@Anderson_Geten And can you stop replying to him? Most who still read here do understand what he is trying to do. You shouldn’t further fuel his behaviour.