Why would I report bots?

Where is the evidence for that?

It’s above your head is where it is.

I see no evidence here, submitted by anyone, that shows CCP has seized botters assets.

Please link the post where it is shown to have happened.

@ISD_Sakimura do you think CCP should do Yulai bot events weekly?

Why bother.

CCP can wipe botters out of the game instead of a gimmick for players to shoot at a defunct ship, when the botter involved has their assets elsewhere and just continues botting on alts.

Botters are literally laughing at this.

CCP reduced suspension for botting from 30 to 3 days.
CCP does not trace or confiscate isk and mates earned by the botter, as transferred to alts.

you are a liar.

the lack of evidence is not the evidence of the lack.


Ive not lied,

You didnt answer:

Yes or no.

You lied, because you did not provide evidence.

How comes you are the only one allowed to do so ?

Whatever I don’t care. You are just affirming things out of your arse.

Answer the question:

Yes or no.

Salvos I told you already, go duck yourself. This game is not adapted for you, and you are not adapted for it.

You lack the intelligence to apprehend complex situations.
You are just wasting your own time. Go on the river, have fun, you won’t here.

Answer this question:

I told you to go duck yourself.

Thats not an answer to the question.

that’s the answer you deserve Salvos.

Your ill brain should not get another answer than go get some rest . You are hurting yourself.

It really saddens me to realize how ill you are.
Yesterday I went by the parc and walked among the ducks, it was relaxing. Just telling you, that’s what you should do. Go duck yourself please. Before it freezes !

Thats still not an answer:

It actually is. What’s more it’s the only one you’ll ever get.

I’ve flagged all the comments where he asks you to confess as inappropriate. He is obviously trying to antagonise you, because any intelligent person who doesn’t break the rules would very much feel insulted by it. Nor is this a matter for this forum to question others about EULA violations. It’s disrespectful and not on topic. Any doubts with regards to another player’s activity need to be put in a ticket and don’t belong here.

@ISD_Buldath Can you put this thread down, please? It’s just getting ugly now.

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Telling me to “duck you”, whatever that means, is not an answer to the question:

he actually suffers from monomania.

This will destroy the few remaining of his life.
He really needs to take some distance from video games, which exacerbate mental diseases.

Its clear from your refusal tol answer, that you have botted and still are botting.

One more chance:

YES or NO?