Why would I report bots?

You havent shown any proof, anywhere, that CCP traces and confiscates isk and mats earned by illegal botting.

Have you been a botter?

Indeed, they are also wrong by the fact, but the matter is those buffoons keep affirming things out of nowhere and never realize it’s only their own interpretation of thing, so it’s inherently wrong.

They keep saying “CCP should THIS” and “CCP should do THAT” without having the knowledge at which extent THIS or THAT are doable and /ore actually being done.

Salvos is back, I got it.

■■■■ you dude.


Ignore him

So should everyone else.

Salvos has nothing of value to add as usual

*don’t forget to flag the spam

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go duck yourself salvos

I think that makes it clear you have been a botter, and perhaps still are.

The best way to argue here is this:

When they don’t believe CCP is fighting bots, then they have no reason to believe in a ban. Hence the easiest way for them to prove it is to make a video of themselves botting. If they’re right then they have nothing to fear.

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ITT: Botters defending botting, against OP and others that see clearly the damage it is causing to EVE.

that seems kinda true actually.

Have you, as a player, been banned for botting?

Are you currently, as a player, engaged in botting?

syntax error : “as a player” can’t be decoded in the context. Please load the “forum player” module for adapted bot answer.

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CCP or ISD can you ban this arrogant fool for a while off the forums. Good Debate is all fine but constant debasing and just plain rudeness isn’t what I or anyone should have to put up with anymore on these forums.

So in other words yes, you have been busted for botting and still are botting, by your own words.

You as a player applies to you as a person.
You as a player, and a person, are the one that signed the TOS/EULA which forbids botting.

Accusing people without a proof IS rudeness.
People accusing CCP of not taking action in order to increase their benefit are rude.
Don’t expect me to be nice with you when you are so full of shite.

There is no debate when people affirm things our of the blue. There is no debate when they are insulting people just because the idea appeals them. And there is no debate when they are too stupid to realize their arguments are absurd.

Basically there is no debate when the people don’t want to make the effort for a correcte debate.

You wherent accused, you where asked.

Your answer speaks for itself.

You did not answer that you are not, and have not been a botter.

Are you really so arrogant and narcissistic that your view is the only one that is right.
You strangely sound like tippia I wonder if that’s you. Just an argumentative c*ck
As you struggle to listen to peoples answers then we might as well just ignore you.
They say don’t argue with an idiot as they’ll only drag you down to their level…

And let’s reverse it. How do you know CCP ARE taking action? You haven’t given any PROOF to back that up

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Have you, as a player and person that signed TOS/EULA, ever engaged in illegal botting in EVE?

Other people before agreed they are. And Someone above even gave numbers.
When people I disagree with even agree on this point, I consider it is settled.

Then I affirm that people who affirm CCP is not seizing botters assets are inherently wrong. As you are talking about debate, you may know that when people affirm something like this(=without any source), there is no debate.
When they affirm “this is a fact”, they are too far in the depth of stupidity to participate in a debate.
They are just insulting people because the idea pleases them.

Sorry I did not read what you posted before that, it sounded too boring.