After a brief hiatus, Working As Intended Ltd is reopening as new pilot friendly organization. Alpha clone friendly. Veteran pilots are also welcome. U.S. central time mornings is the primary time-zone for our organization. Focused on building a community where you can have fun while learning and building wealth through PVE and industry in our high security home. We have excellent missions and mining at our headquarters. Low tax rate with the taxes collected being used to benefit the corporation as a whole. We are not eligible for war, which makes PVP almost entirely optional. For those that want to learn how to fight, we will have weekly pvp roams with free doctrine frigates and destroyers. Send me a message in game or come by our public channel: Working As Intended Public.
Daily Bump
So any corporation activities in the Metropolis region not wanting to kick the can again until it’s semi permanent move…greener per past experience was paint or a sewer leak so taking it slow and asking questions before i spend multiple days moving again.?
Also mainly play 1800-0000 PDT EVE -7 m-f and Saturday / Sunday is a crap shoot on when I will be on.
Hopfully not to specific.
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