Working Molten Vulkanized D3D11 EVE coming real soon for you guys

Wine 3.13 for MacOS is build with MoltenVK to get the Vulkan backend to work on Metal.

It mean that with DXVK, you should be able to run EVE in DX11 mode with higher fps, better graphics and less bugs than current wine.


First tentative : It’s not ready yet.

I was able to run the Windows EVE on MacOS 10.13.2
In 4K resolution with everything on high except anti aliasing, in station, I get about 63 fps (I get about 250ish fps with same hardware on Linux with Gallium Nine (Native D3D9).

Now with Vulcan I get that error : 0009:err:vulkan:get_vulkan_driver Wine was built without Vulkan support. 0009:err:vulkan:wine_vk_init Failed to load Wine graphics driver supporting Vulkan. 0009:err:module:find_forwarded_export module not found for forward 'winevulkan.wine_vkGetInstanceProcAddr' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\vulkan-1.dll"

I suppose that DXVK try to initialize wine in some way that is not supported by MoltenVK as I can run vulkaninfo from moltenvk without an issue.

please keep us updated, thank you

any update to this?

Hi, will this help the issues i am having with my 5K mac? currently on potato mode with another 5K screen added on. Wish EVE would work with current mac hardware :frowning:

I did not have the time to boot into Hackingtosh mode since a while, sorry guys.

@jondon1981 Yes, if you can get the thing to run with DXVK plus MoltenVKified Wine, you should get EVE with more than twice the FPS with lower CPU usage using the OSX native API, Metal.

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Performance should be very solid. It’s just a software issue.

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Yes, if you can get the thing to run with DXVK plus MoltenVKified Wine, you should get EVE with more than twice the FPS with lower CPU usage using the OSX native API, Metal.

MoltenVK is a layer on top of Metal and should never beat Metal in actual native performance. (Although benchmarks I’ve seen put the gap to being almost negligible which is impressive.)

The current WINE should be using OpenGL, which would make your statement correct.

Anyone got this working yet ? Any news ? :slight_smile:

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Bump to keep this relevant.

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Just checking in, any news on when this will be released? Or shall we just wait for the 64bit launcher?

Eve launcher has been 64 bit for a while.

That’s only because the launcher is a “web app”.
Pretty sure @jondon1981 would rather have a 64 bit client.

I know, I was just clarifying because there’s a significant difference in saying launcher and client.

Yeah. I understood both of you. Reading comprehension/understanding can be hard sometimes…
A 64bit client would be nice. Don’t think anything will happen towards my preferred OS.

Shameless bump :confused: Hope anyone has tried to get this working

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