Wormhole Sales

I have some wormhole listings for sale, Both are empty and contain no structures, Just some deadsticks. Please PM me in game if you have questions. Listing will be updated. If it’s not marked sold it’s still available.

Number of sales: 1

J125428 C1/LS Vanilla 500 Mill SOLD

J161657 C3/LS Vanilla PERFECT PI 1.5 Bill

J144120 C4 with C3/C1 Black Hole 71 moons! Good PI 1 Bill

Bumping it up. Still available.

Bump to the top!

Bump up up up

Bumping it up!

Bought the C1, transaction was smooth and quick. 5/7 perfect score

Bumping up to the top.

Bump bump bump!

Still Have 2 great wormholes left!

Bump to the top

Another Bump

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