over 3mil in Drones Including t2 heavys
Gallente Cruiser V
Can build T1 and Research BPOS
Pos Wallet
Pos Standings
No kill rights
In NPC Corp
Located in High Sec
Starting Bid 10bil
over 3mil in Drones Including t2 heavys
Gallente Cruiser V
Can build T1 and Research BPOS
Pos Wallet
Pos Standings
No kill rights
In NPC Corp
Located in High Sec
Starting Bid 10bil
up again
6b offer
6.5 bil
7 bil
Thanks for the offers but wont sell for less then 10bil
OK, my last offer is 8 bill and I’m waiting for progress.
thanks but ill wait for 10bil
bump to top
bump to top
Will be near computer ~21:30 Eve
Will try n contact you round then with my Mr Warbucks
rgr thanks send isk and account name when you can and ill start transfer for you with CC
No Response from buyer taking toon off market for now
Sorry about that, work called me away from home. Should be home tn, about the same time. If not, i shall contact you via this thread
Did this ever sell?
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