WTA 82m cap pilot


selling King Dead, no killrights, positive wallet, good sec status, 2 x sets of implants, Nirvana and Amulet, some skins, CCP rules apply for sale, toon in hi sec.

Worth the mention: can fly Moros, Phoenix, Hel, Nyx, Aeon, Ninazu and Rhea, JF 5 finishing in 2 days

Duration of auction: 48 hours
Start: 60b
B/O: 70b


1 Like

61bil buy out. isk in hand

61.5b offer

63B offer

64b offer


Last 24 hours, current best bid is Trinity XI, should end the auction on Sunday, roughly around 19:00-20:00 eve time

65 bil


66 bil buyout, isk ready now

bo is 70b, however I can consider it as an offer.

12 hours left :slight_smile:

last hour


accepted from trinity xi

pls send isk and account details for transfer

isk and info send. Just noticed that it has 81.8m SP, it was like that since the begging ?

ye, no extractions

also, youre a couple of bill short, refunded ur payment, send correct amount

off to bed, if the money is deposited properly, great, you get the toon, otherwise, ill continue the auction for 48 more hours.


done, have fun

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