WTA Men's Bioadaptive Kybernaut Combat Suit [Complete]

Not much market data for this, so let’s see if anyone cares for spaceship barbies!

Starting bid: 20 billion ISK
Buyout price: 60 billion ISK
Minimum increment: 500 million ISK
Closing date & time: February 1 downtime

Item is located in Jita 4-4.

Auction complete. Happy walking in station!

I’ll offer 20b.

25b bid

Barbies never go out of fashion!

26b bid

@DeMichael_Crimson i saw that you collect stuff.

1 Like

28b bid

29b bid

30b bid

Contract up in Jita.

I would wish you happy walking in station, but grrr CCP!

Accepted, thx

Seems I’m a bit late…

And yes, I do collect Apparel items…

My collection is actually quite extensive, 760 different items including a set of Men’s and Women’s Bioadaptive Kybernaut Combat Suits…

Anyway, thank you very much for the tag…