Wtb 15-20m sp rattlesnake pilot!

i meant make sure to send isk thst i send to him off to another account before transfer… symantics
. … who cares man?

hes not answered in days … so ya kinda glad i didnt send isk yet tbh haha

Hey buddy! Sorry about being away… been abit busy! Just logged on to see if the isk was there yet but didnt see it. Im ready to start transfer this evening if you will be around :slight_smile:

Well off to bed again… :smiley: Ill log on tomorrow and see what the situation is. 20e ready and waiting for character transfer.

Let me know when you get on. At the hospital now for a checkup but should be outta here soon enough. Will check post again in and hour or two

You can indeed still pay for a transfer with Plex, it just takes opening a GM ticket.

Step 1: create ticket under Billing & Account -> Character Transfer
Step 2: Put 1000 plex in your in game vault of the character being transferred
Step 3: Link bazaar post, dest account and character name in your ticket

Submit the ticket, and wait for a GM to handle it. They have been rather quick as of late.

I do this weekly.

Also fun fact, the account you are transferring to/from doesn’t have to be omega, they can both be alpha or any mix.

You can either pay the 20$ fee, or use some of the isk from your sale to buy 1000 plex (currently around 2.9b)

Still interested in the character?

yes sure iv been away as well :frowning:

let me know


Don’t give this guy a chance to rip you off…because he will.


he wants to be banned aparantly lol

does a ticket transfer take longer to get confirmed and mail sent? just curious

just depends on the GM workload. All my past ones recently have been < 2 hours from submission.

@Azure_Wyvern has proven to be dishonest. Send me an in-game email if you want to see the logs.

haha sold :smiley:

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