WTB Low SP miner

Looking for a low skill mining character that can fly a mining barge and has astrogeology/mining upgrades. Stripped characters are OK as long as the remaining skills are mining focused.

Budget of 3-4B depending on character.


Him yesterday you purchase me another pilot, and the link is of another i can sell (need the space for another pilot) and have 4m points but is a good miner and have +5


Positive walltet, is in rens, have no killrights, i pay the transfer.

iff interested send the isk and acc name and i transfer three hours passing Down time (yes i fund my credit card )

Hmm, SPs are pretty low on that one…I can do 3B if that sounds good? If so, please confirm and I’ll send isk + ACC

Perfect, send the isk and acc name and i transfer tomorrow when fund my credit card, i enter in a sec to confirm identity.

Yes i am for sale

Isk and account name sent to Green Beck.

Please confirm.

Received, i transfer tomorrow as soon i can Thanks for the business.

Thanks again o7

i made the transfer one moment ago sorry for the delay. Thanks =)