
Vagabond/Vargur/Machariel would be nice. But I would like to see any matar subcap offers.


Any offers?



The female minmitar’s training has focused on the magic 14 since it wasn’t sure which direction for her to go. Half of them are already perfect at V and the other half are IV training to V. Her skill points are very unique

Total SP - 7651K
Allocated SP - 3291K
Free - 4359K (that’s right more free than allocated SPs)

The SPs still needed for the ships you mentioned are
Macherial - 212K
Vagabond - 2545K
Vargur - 4516K

You can used the unallocated SPs for all 3 ships due to the skills overlap. You could fly the Mach and Vagabond right away. The Vargur would still need a little to be fully trained. My price would be under your budget so what’s she worth to you?

Thank you for your response. You got a pretty interesting character but that is not what I am looking for. Should give more details beforehand. Sorry for that.
By saying minmatar subcap means I am looking for a combat character with good gunnery and support skills at the ready or close. Minmatar Cruiser V would be nice aswell. All of that is like a baseline.
Could just spend isk for injectors and get what I need but was hoping to get a better deal here like 800 million per 1m skillpoints even if some of the skills is not gonna be what I am looking for.

Can offer up to 1b isk for 1m skillpoints for the right character.

Still valid. For now.