Hi looking to sell myself.
Born 2012 (light corp history)
Located in high sec, positive wallet and sec status, NPC corp, no kill rights. All CCP rules apply.
Perfect Shield Cap toon starter
Looking for 9-10 Bil
I pay transfer…no ticket or plex
appreciate the start, but not desperate.
Adjust price according to market. Still for sale.
Still for sale. Looking to transfer this evening USTZ.
@Moaudie_Xadi you still good with your bid?
lowered BO to 8.5bil
Until the end of today…if nothing I will cancel sale.
(Husk Attor)
Sent you ingame mail about the sell. I can purchase toon now at the 8.5b offer.
Sounds good. Logging in now. Please send isk and eve mail for account to transfer
Isk received. Transfer done. 14 Oct 19:36
Confirm email
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