Estamel’s Modified Co-Processor added!
Chelm’s EM and Explosive Hardeners sold, Kaikka’s Modified Ballistic Control System added
Gotan’s Modified Large Proton Smartbomb added, Mizuro’s 500MN sold!
Added Setele’s Modified Magnetic Field Stabilizer - 5b (market 6b) and Draclira’s Modified Energized Explosive Membrane - 6b (market 8b)!
1x Brokara’s PDS sold. Vizan’s Modified Large EMP Smartbomb sold. Draclira’s Modified Large EMP Smartbomb sold.
Unit F-435454’s Modified Fighter Support Unit sold.
Added the following mods: Chelm’s Modified Energized EM Membrane, 2x Brynn’s Modified Sensor Booster, Kaikka’s Modified Cloaking Device.
Vepas’s Modified Ballistic Control System sold.
Added: Hakim’s Modified X-Large Shield Booster (1b) and Hakim’s Modified Ballistic Control System (4b)!
Added a grand total of 0 mods today
Prices lowered:
2x Unit W-634’s Modified Fighter Support Unit - 14b
1x Tobias’ Modified Large Proton Smartbomb -10b
1x Gotan’s Modified Ballistic Control System - 9b
1x Unit P-343554’s Modified Drone Damage Amplifier - 7b
1x Setele’s Modified 100MN Afterburner added.
1x Raysere’s Modified Cap Recharger sold, Ahremen’s Modified Mega Pulse Laser (4b) added
Setele’s Magnetic Field Stabilizer sold
1x Estamel’s Modified Shield Boost Amplifier added, Ahremen’s Modified Mega Pulse Laser sold.
Tuvan’s Modified Power Diagnostic System and Tuvan’s Modified Large Plasma Smartbomb added. A couple mods sold
New mods added
1x Raysere’s Modified EANM added.
Brokara’s Modified Power Diagnostic System
If this is still available i would like to make a 1.1b offer. Thank you for your time
@Noob_Atheart sold today, sorry:(
ok thx for reply