WTS 100m SP Subcap Pilot, 82m SP Super Pilot, 56m SP Naglfar Pilot, 19m + 17m Ishtar Pilots

100m SP Subcap Pilot
Password: 1234
Location: High sec
Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
Learning Clone
Mid-Grade Crystal set
High-Grade Talisman set
Genolution set
Mid-Grade Snake set
Mid-Grade Nomad set
Positive wallet

Buyout - 87.5b

82m SP Super Capital Pilot
Password: 1234
Location: High sec
Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
High-Grade Ascendancy set
Mid-Grade Crystal set
Mid-Grade Amulet set

Buyout - 77.5b

56m SP Naglfar Pilot - SOLD
Password: 1234
Location: High sec
Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights

19m SP Ishtar Pilot
Password: 1234
Location: High sec
Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
Mid-Grade Crystal set

Buyout - SOLD

17m SP Ishtar Pilot
Password: 1234
Location: High sec
Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
Mid-Grade Crystal set

*Buyout - SOLD

Post offers below, not looking for extraction offers as I can just do it myself without having to pay the transaction fee.

Thanks! :sun_with_face:

Confirming I am for sale!

Confirming I am for sale!

Confirming I am for sale!

Confirming I am for sale!

Confirming I am for sale!

I’d be willing to buy that 17m SP Ishtar pilot. What do you think would be a reasonable price?

How does 12.5b sound? @Retutlard_Egilo_Aldurald

what are you looking to get for Faith

I could do maybe 2 bil at best

Was this a typo or are you trolling? @Retutlard_Egilo_Aldurald

Haven’t got a number in mind currently just looking for offers @KSUSHA-A

60b for Faith

No that’s my serious offer


rofl and i thought mine was low

Is the nag pilot still for sale?

Is he still for sale?

Yes @pchila

What are u asking?

67b for faith?