positive wallet, no implants, remap available
good standings with angel cartel, intaki and serpentis. some lp in federation left as well.
positive security status, no killrights
price: 80b
lowballs == free bump
positive wallet, no implants, remap available
good standings with angel cartel, intaki and serpentis. some lp in federation left as well.
positive security status, no killrights
price: 80b
lowballs == free bump
looking to get back into EVE, offering 70b
I offer 57B in light of your history:
Closed - Marketplace / Character Bazaar - EVE Online Forums
Also, you need to be in an NPC corp, but you already knew that from your previous attempt at selling this character.
feel free to pop in here daily and do a free bump
Topic reopened.
daily bump
Post closed due to repeated violation of forum bumping rules. You have been warned.