Can fly falcon/onyx/tengu with covert cyno
Currently training towards revelation
no killboard
Located in hi-sec, no kill rights, 2 remaps available. password: 1337
Caldari Cruiser 5
Cynosural Field Theory 5
Propulsion Jamming 5
Cloaking 4
Advanced Weapon upgrades 5 (training towards rev, extractable SP with some other skills if you wish)
Interested in offers, will pay transfer money
thanks for the offers, would like to see 7b but will take your offer if no others bid in 2days time
final bump before accepting tomorrow
(Sevik Irr)
April 6, 2021, 7:12pm
7 billion - updated offer.
accepting 8b, sending you ingame mail
isk recieved and character transfer started and payed for, let me know once you’ve recieved!
July 6, 2021, 8:19pm
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