pilot in hi sec,
positive wallet,
positive sec status,
fighter V, heavy fighter, IV, Gallente Carrier, Amar Dread,
very good jump, scan skills,
clones implants as given,
Total 3 remap (2 bonus +1 normal)
+5 full implant set injected + %10 alchemy
fix price b/o: 86 b
i will pay transfer fee,
i m selling only char and for only for isk,
Pushkin Kardinya is a character in the MMORPG Eve Online. They have amassed 121,252,322 skillpoints and they're currently training 15 skills in their skill queue. Click to learn more about this character
82b minimum bid value thank you,
78b If there is a gap between my quotation and your price, please tell me directly
all mails responded, thank you
(Cest la vie)
September 24, 2022, 7:24am
Sorry, the highest acceptable level is 82B. If you change your mind one day, please email me as soon as possible. Thank you
80 bil my first and final offer
Thank you for your decent offer,
in game mail sent,
i don’t understand what’s with all these “in game” “decent offer”. must be a teaming-up scam. count me out, offer retracted!!
fix price entered char sale ongoing,
thank you,