WTS 82M SP Nid Pilot


Awesome Carrier pilot
Amazing support skills
Minmatar Carrier lvl 5
Caaldari Carrier Injected
Support Fighters 5
Light Fighters 5
Heavy Fighters Injected
So many other skills to 5

276K Unallocated SP
Remap available: 2019 12 26
Bonus Remaps: 2

Positive wallet balance
No kill rights

Jump Clone in Esa VIII Moon 2
Zainou ‘Gnome’ Shield Management SM-703
Inherent Implants ‘Squire’ Capacitor Management EM-803
Inherent Implants ‘Squire’ Capacitor Systems Operation EO-603
Zainou ‘Gnome’ Shield Operation SP-903

Character Highsec

Starting bid: 73b
Reserve: hidden
Buyout: 85b

73b start

74B ready

77b ready

Bid accepted, please send isk and account name. I will start the transfer as soon as I get those things.

Isk and info mail sent

Isk received and account transfer initiated. Thank you :slight_smile:

thx gl)

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