WTS 121M SubCap Char PvP Super Focused

Looking to sell my main

  • Located Jita
  • Positive wallet
  • Standings positive
  • No kill rights
  • NPC Corp
  • Low Corp History


Open to Offers!

I will start you with 80b

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90b isk

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91 billion

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95b isk

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Thank you all for the offers would 110B be pushing it for this toon?

I can give you 100b tonight if you’d like

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That’s very enticing! Ill leave it open till tonight and if I don’t get anymore offers ill consider it! Thank you!

It’s valid for the next 4 hours

Noted Thank you!

Let me know if this offer still stands or not.

It does

Lets do it

Sending isk and account name shortly

Isk and account info received and Char Transfer started! Thanks!

Jesus dude, next time leave your post open for longer.

Would have happily bid much more.

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