WTS 124 mil SP. Combat brother! Cheap and fast deal 82B ONLY TODAY!

NPC Corp.
No Killrights.
Positive wallet.
Tons of implants.
ALL skills for cyno at 5. Capital hybrid turret at 5.
  • 80B starting bid - as extractor value.
  • 95B buyout bid; or something in between.

Will pay the CCP transfer.

77b offer


82b offer

Accepted! Send ISK and account name for transfer.

Boys, i’m ready to sell it for 82B, GO!

ok,I will contact you in the game

Got you.
I can transfer it today. Immediately after payment

i should transfer isk to andrey jell ,is it ok?

Yes.It’s OK.

my account name is ZSWDQQH676495681

isk sent

will post here when bio is complete to transfer

ISK received!
Transfer started.

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