WTS 128m SP. Focused pvper. 2007




Bidding is over 29.09 18-00 eve time
Best bid TxivYawg1 win

o/ Your bid win
Pls transfer 110,5b ISK to ivanrus
To what accaut have i transfer character?

buyer did not contact, so auction is continue
start 105b, b/o 120

110 bil

115 b

Retracted !

o/ Just now read your message. Ok lot reserved for you 24h, lets try connect ingame or skype (ivanrus5).
Or you can simple sent isks to ivanrus and acc name with free slot for transfer here or by ingame mail, its’ll be deal

Sorry for all that trouble need to retract my offer. Did not see your Amarr and Caldari Standings ! Greetz ! And good Luck with your sale !

Ok np! Auction is continue

I will do 108b if any bid falls through

Yes your bid is first (Red Bull & UType retracted)n if no bid during 24h - you win

108.5 bil

109 bil

109.5 bil

1 Like

UltimateKen win, grats
I/m waiting for isks and accaunt name with free slot for transfer

Isk and account info sent

isk recived, pls repeat acc name (accidentally deleted when clear mail box)