WTS 12Mil SP Exhumer / Ice / Gas mining

Total SP: 12.1 Mil
Unallocated: 1.6 Mil
Wallet Balance: Positive
Kill Rights: None
Jump Clones: 0
Remaps: 2 available.
Toon Location: Jita
Corp: NPC
Sec status: .026

Mining pilot with:
Exhumer 5
Ice Mining 5
Gas Harvesting 5
(Plus a nice start on Planet Management)

Asking 9.5Bil OBO

4b bid


is this still available?

Thanks for the bids. Still available, yes.

7b bid

7.5b bid

I offer the 9.5 Bil buyout.

Buyout offer accepted.

Send isk character name and I’ll start transfer.

Isk and account name sent!

Isk received.

The transfer process has started.

Thank you. She was a great character. Hope you have fun.

1 Like

Thank you! Hopefully she’ll be as good for me as she was for you!

Character transfer completed.

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