WTS 13.8m SP (mostly Mining + Planetary pilot) with a cool name ;-)

Hello there !

I would like to sell this toon 18b :

Echtyar (meaning in evlsish Quenya:“lancier”, born in 2018)

  1. Wallet balance: ISK positive
  2. No Kill rights
  3. 2x Jump clones with sets of implants +4/+5 (in highsec)
  4. Character location: Parses (highsec) /the 2 jump clones are in highsec
  5. Pilot for: Exhumers+ gas mining, Planetary, Catalyst, (skill Jump Freighter bought)…
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Daily bump

would you take 14.5b

Hello !

Thank you for your offer. If you say 16.5b ?

16b even? about 2807 PLEX?

Ok for 16b.

Let me know on wich account I will have do make the transfer when I will receive the ISK.

Account User is coldairkill, Let me know who to pay.

Havent bought a character before and dont want to mess up, so unsure of process

Hello !

You have to pay the character Echtyar among the rules.

Payment sent, Thanks for the help.

Thank you for the ISK. I launched the process of 10h of transfer :wink:

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When/Whart will i see/be waiting on for it to appear on my launcher?

Just want to make sure i didnt mess anything up.

Cheers ! Just showed up on my Character Select, Thanks for the Help!

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