WTS 130m Supercarrier pilot, all 4 races & skills to level 5

WTS this perfect supercarrier pilot, also perfect fax & carrier pilot.

130m SP Mastery level 5 for all supercarriers, carriers & faxes.
No kill rights
Positive ISK wallet
Sitting in Jita 4-4 in a +4 learning clone.
No other clones
SkillQ Character link

Skins Include: Dos Rouvenor’s Bequest, Kopis Edge & Serpentis for Nyx
Imperial Jubilee for Apostle & various other carrier & fax skins.

Bids start @ 80B
Buyout = 110B

Good luck!

81 bil

Are you sure this link is accessible?

The link looks ok to me, 81b so far to start things off.


90b offer

I’ll finish the Auction this Sunday at 22:00 eve time, current bid is 90b with Scooby DoBydoooo. Great name btw :slight_smile:


Well i have no idea what happened above but the character is still for sale and the current highest bid is with Risa Oribe at 91B

Character will sell @ 22:00 today eve time.

92b :smiley: :smiley:

Sold to Scooby DoBydoooo for 92b

Please send the isk and account name to transfer to and I’ll do the rest :slight_smile:


o/ ty, I will send isk now :smiley:
Will take a good care of her :>

ISK received & character transferred, enjoy!

Character received

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