WTS 140 Mil SP - Subcap and Cap Pilot - Moros, Aeon, Nyx, Thanny, Archon, Vargur/Kronos, Rhea + Rorqual, FAX + More

WTS 140Mil SP Character

Skillboard Rokzie

Can fly a whole host of ships. Check the skillboard.

In NPC Corp. No negative standings. (skillboard hasn’t updated corp yet but she’s in Jita in NPC).

I will pay transfer. ISK to Rokzie.

Couple of implant sets.

Auction will run 3 days from date of this post.

Have current offers on forum for 100B and in game mail 110B

Thought I would make a proper WTS Thread and see how we go.

Starting price 100B - No buyout. Would like to see where it goes.

Note : Aussie timezone so that will reflect in replies to this thread.

95 bil offer

99 b/o

I have an ingame offer of 110B Buyout which is the current highest B/O / Bid offer.

Your skillboard cannot be viewed

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Thanks for the headsup. I’ll fix it right now.

Skillboard should be good to go.

Good Now

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Daily bump.

Daily bump.

100bil. isk in hand.

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