Selling this very nice char. 10 million unallocated skillpoints
In NPC corp
Positive wallet
No kill rights
No assets
Full HG Amulet clone (Jita 4-4)
Starting bid:
140 billion
Buyout on offer only
I reserve the right to not sell
Happy bidding
Maybe the starting bid is slightly high, however this char will not be sold for less than what it’s worth. Titan skill and implants is 10b alone. Whoever needs a char like this, knows the value.
2023.01.17 extraction value = 137b (274 Large Skill Injectors)
Happy bidding
@Vesper_Orion i challenge you to explain the math how you came up with 137b profit for 274 large skill injectors after subtracting skill extractors cost and market costs. go on, explain how you get 137b. i will buy it if you can explain based on current market condition…
Sure. Maybe I’m wrong.
At the time of my post, the below was true:
Extractable skillpoints = 137m (274 extractors)
Skill extractor price = 397m
Skill injector price (large) = 916.3m
Profit per sold injector = 519.3m x 274 = ISK
I then removed 4% for sales tax, which equals 136.596.672.000 ISK
Please enlighten me if I forgot something.
The char will not be sold for less than extraction price.
Otherwise I will just extract it myself. The real benefit here is the 11b in skill and Amulets.
Fine how about 140 and we get this thing started.
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Thanks for your bid
Thats more like it.
Let me clarify. That is a buyout offer. I am not willing to sit and play back and forth.
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Gotcha. 145b and it’s yours. Can start transfer now.