WTS 16.7mil SP Miner, good backup skills

WTS myself.


Selling one/1 Exhumer PIlot with near full mining skills, with good drone skills, decent processing, and reasonable shield skills.
Located in Uotila
No Kill Rights
Positive Wallet and Sec Status
1 Remap available

I’ll pay transfer

Starting bid: 6B
Will accept highest bid on Tue 1PM Eastern Time, or B/O 10B

8.5b bid

10 Bil Buy Out pls

Ok, I’ll accept that.
I’ve added you as a contact in-game.

Isk and Account Name sent. Thank You.

Thank you very much, quick and painless doing business with you.

"Transfer Character
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Jisil’H Scar

Will be completed after: 6/26/2017 11:53:05 PM "