WTS Exhumer Pilot 6.3mil sp


Located in Amarr
NPC corp
Positive wallet
No Killrights

Exhumer IV
t2 Modulated Strip Miners
ABC t1 mining crystals

5bil B/o
Other offers will be considered

Lowering b/o price to 5bil.

offers still considered

4 bil

ty for the offer but looking for more than 4. Counter offer of 4.7 amenable?

4.5 Bil ready now.

4.5 b/o is acceptable

good will sent isk and account in a second please tell me you will pay for transfer or you do ticket ?

I can pay for transfer

Money sent and account details are in mail. Let me know when you pay for transfer please.
ALl good

received, working on transfer now.

"We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Akame Saraki

Will be completed after: 10/13/2018 8:47:47 PM"

The account being transferred to is copy pasted from the mail you sent me.

Thanks a lot. i will come back whit conformation when i have the char.

@Cosmin_Moise Can you confirm character transferred?

is this sold?

Isk was received and character was transferred. Buyer hasn’t confirmed receiving the character though. For now it is considered sold unless the buyer indicates there is an issue.

Hello sorry i come online char. Confirm char was receved.
All good mate.

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