WTS 173.9 Mil SP Toon - Balanced Capitol Pilot **SOLD**

-Veru Balanced Capitol Pilot
-173.9 Mil SP, Additional 798k SP Unallocated
-Amarr, Gallente and Minmatar Titan Skillbooks Injected

-Positive Wallet Balance
-No Kill Rights
-1 Jump Clone in Amamake with High Grade Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon Ascendancy’s and Warp Speed 618, Evasive Maneuvering 706, Zor’s Custom Hyperlink Navigation
-Character currently in Ammold (High Sec)
-Security Status 5.0


135b offer


155b offer

I’ll make a 170bil b/o offer, but I am bidding on some other ones so let me know.

Sold to you Ha Chu, seller discord is keirrofinn as he’s not on PC rn
Alternatively, you can add genji5287 and get put in a gc
Final trade will still be done over the forums to avoid trouble

Offer Accepted.

Can I still make a bid


I’ll be online on this character in approx. 30 mins, and you can add on discord @ keirrofinn as Hyper Kiwi mentioned. I can’t seem to find a message system here on forums.

If you accept the price, I will make payment immediately

I am sending payment to DoomDoom Revolution as well as an evemail for the account I need the character transferred to.

I have provided a new quotation of 175b

can you give me the full of discord username(like XXXX@0000)

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