WTS 178 mill Super/Carrier/Indy toon

I am for sale.

Used as Super/Carrier/indy toon.
Unlocked Avatar titan skill, (still needs training to actually use it, just saying)
Able to fly 275 ships in total. check the link below.

Comes with a set of
*High grade Amulets
*High grade Crystals
*Mid grade Nomads

5.0 Sec status

Positive wallet and no kill rights
in Npc corp
Located in Jita 4-4

Quantum Anomaly Mia Wallace

Will accept when i think a bid is good enough.

120b offer

130B offer Retracted

Thank you for the offer, but that’s a little to low, i would be willing to let it go for 130 bill.

ok,130b,give me 1h to sell plex

Offer accepted, awaiting isk and account details.

isk and account send,waiting for you

Isk received, Transfer initiated, please confirm when you have the toon.

character get

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