Wts 180MIL subcap/cap pilot born in 2004

in npc corp ready for transfer
positive wallet
positive sec status
in high sec
no jump clones
1 remap avaibele
bid starts from 125b
BO 155b

127 bil

130 bil

137b offered

138 bil

b/o offered ingame and accepted

waiting isk and account data

fawniquaa vanish, so ill accept your 138 bill bid

OK, sending you an evemail now.

still don’t get any isk. so if someone want to offer 138+ bill welcome

As per my evemail, I am not at home right now.

yes just tell when you get your isk ready. if someone want to offer more to me at this time ill accept another offer. I hope it is legit here

OK, that works. Hope that you will get a better bid!

I’ll be in line at 137b if 138b falls through, and if Asbolute Truth doesn’t want it frist.

138 bill BO

Waiting for you online, 138b ready.

bid accepted waiting isk

All done on my end

recived doing transfer

transfer started fly safe