[WTS] 87.5m SP PVP SubCap Pilot


Positive Wallet (~100m) With Approx 19b in assets (95% in HS/5% near system LS)
1x Remap Available

Nearly perfect subcap skills minus Precursor/Maurader/BlackOps

All CCP rules are accepted, no kill right, located in HiSec
Char is in NPC Corp and located in station 3j from Jita

Starting Bid 55b > Immediate BO at 67b

What method will you use to transfer?

Is that a trick question…

Mind hopping ingame?

Ill B/O for 62b.

Looking for 67b solid b/o. I’ll let it ride on here a bit and see what happens

Bump for support

I can do 65b today.

I can work with that. Ill message you when Im back home.


Apologies Dodge I got called out of town last minute for an extended period of time [part of my libe if work]. I’ll be home late tonight USTZ if you’re still interested.

Sent you an ingame mail, please respond and let me know when you’re home.

Home and online whenever you’re around.

65 billion

Isk and account information sent. Thank you kind sir.

isk recieved and account transfer submitted

Received confirmation, thank you sir.

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