In npc corp
no kill rights
positive wallet


offer 8 bil

offer 9b

offer 10 bil

If no bigger offer in 24h its yours :slight_smile:

10.5 B

bro how much money do you have lmao

Enough but you can get this one :slight_smile:

11.0 B

Also what’s your main Scott I’d like to add you

dont have one yet i sold it

if no better offer in 24h we can start transfer

I have to retract my offer, thank you.

If no bigger offer in 24h its yours :slight_smile:

when you ready we can start transfer

Withdrawn my offer i bought another

why not withdrawn it sooner then? looks like you and ur friend are just spammers not buyers

I just forgotten this buy and im sorry

Offer 10bil

if no better offer in 24h we can start trasnfer :slight_smile: