Wts 2004.02 Character 119mSp Amarr/Cal/Min Spec

Very nice character from the early days.
Sub cap focused on almost every ship
Cap ships Amarr Dread and Carrier

Created 2004.02.13
119m sp

Low-grade Crystal Omega
Low-grade Crystal Epsilon
Low-grade Crystal Delta
Low-grade Crystal Gamma
Low-grade Crystal Beta
Low-grade Crystal Alpha

1 remap
5.0 standing
Docked in highsec

Ccp rules apply
I pay transfer fee with card

Bid 120bil or highest.

Bo 150 bil for quick sell

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110 bil

lets bump

111 bil

in game mail sent!

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:heartbeat:bump of the day

113 b, looking to buy a character rather fast.

confirming my in game offer of 130 billion isk.

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ok awating isk and acc name

not taking anymore offers

both sent :grin:

isk and name recieved
Starting transfer

Character in transfer.

i’ve received the transfer notification

thank you!

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