Selling 2008 character. Zero Corp history
1 remap w/ 3 bonus remaps
1.4m SP
I will pay the xfer fee w/ CC / PayPal
1.5b starting bid / I’ll take any reasonable B/O offers
Running this post until 7pm 2/15/2019 EST
Need a little more than that to make it worth the $20 i’m going to pay for the transfer
I’ll do 2.5bil. I have an event i’m going to in a few hours. So if this trade doesn’t happen right away, we can take care of it later this evening
Kentaro it says I can’t transfer because you are already involved with a transfer on the account you gave me
Target user is already involved in a character transfer.
Transfer Character
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Mirko Glaslovich
Will be completed after: 2/16/2019 5:53:24 AM
May 16, 2019, 7:54pm
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