WTS 21.5 mill SP Capital Industrial Miner (Including 600.000 SP unallocated)
Can fly: Industrial Command V
Exhumers V
Mining Barges V
Mining Frigates V
14 days to Rorqual Capital Industrial Ships V - currently training
As it should be : Industrial Reconfiguration V
Shipboard Compression Technology V
Gas Cloud Harvesting V
Quantum Anomaly websites contains useful information and resources about online games such as EVE Online, Elite Dangerous, X4 Foundations, X4 Split Vendetta
Located in Jita 4-4
in NPC Corp
Positive wallet
No kill rights
No Jump clones
1 bonus remap available
Price: 21 bill
November 27, 2024, 11:43pm
i would like to get it with 18b
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Thank you very much but please let me see couple of days. I looking for better offer.
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GALAXY0922 IF nobody make an offer this weekend I ll be ready to sell it to You next Monday if You dont mind
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November 30, 2024, 3:38am
alright, i think i can trade in Monday/Tuesday. I need to send the account name to you for transfer after trading it?
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If nobody interest be4 Monday so I will contact you be4 DT Monday.
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November 30, 2024, 3:59am
Alright, thanks letting me know
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Thanx 2 You Bro.
BTW My babe continues training so 12 days to Rorqual Capital Industrial Ships V - currently training
SO D.A.I.L.Y. B.U.M.P.
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November 30, 2024, 3:40pm
just letting you know ill available to trade in 11:00-14:00 eve time
Mister JUAN WICKK I appreciate your offer, but please could you wait until Monday? If no one is willing to give more then I will be ready to sell you the character on Monday.
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December 1, 2024, 4:36am
I wanna trade today after DT with 21.5B b/o if possible
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I currently not at the computer . Little busy today. Bro please wait untill monday. Please Let me see what will say Mister Wickk.
Daily BUMP Guys!
December 1, 2024, 7:36am
Sure way, if nobody have higher price, you may send a mail to me and see ya after Monday DT!
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Of cos. But now lets wait offers from other pipl.
December 2, 2024, 7:50am
Can we trade while we all in game?
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