WTS 23M Rorq pilot

未分配的SP 338367
No Kill的权利
位于@ 0.9 - JITA
Date of Birth 2018-02-02

Mining Drone Spec 5
Cap Indy Ship 4
Cyno 1
Cybernetics 5

24b starting bid.

I will pay with PLEX

I confirm the sale

Bid 24bil

I have already seen it and hope that the price will be higher.

Ok, how long will you wait as I am looking for quick purchase

25bil price can be traded directly

My 24bil offer holds, a quick trade means you dont run the risk of me going to them instead

Sorry, I didn’t notice your message, I just got home.

After 2 hours, if no one bids is yours

Alright, ill still be online then to begin trade.

If you still need, 24bil, he is yours.

isk and info sent

ISK has received and is ready to start transferring

Just realised the char doesnt actually have Mining drone spec 5, is there a reason for this?

Please pause transfer while this discrepancy is sorted out.

Sorry, it was my mistake when filling out.

I have not started to transfer now.

I need some time to think things over, should get back to you in 30 mins

Sorry for causing such an error, I can wait for your result

Will you be willing to accept the trade at a lower price? I believe the character isnt worth quite the same price without MDS 5