WTS Rorq Pilot 38.9Mil SP

Want to sell this char. 38.9 Mil Sp, T2 Core, Good support skills, Good Drone Skills, etc

Starting bid is 35BIL
Buyout is ‘Hidden’

Contact my main Gary Bell in game for more information and offers

Skills- https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Milabew

Char has -9.3 Sec status
Positive Wallet
No Killrights
and Clones include a CA set

1 Like

WOuld also trade for some form of a Rag pilot

How much for the Char

I would do a 39 Bil Buyout

I do it as well 40

40 Fine I have it ready o7

If you would like to do this please come online and convo me

Sure !! :slight_smile:

I am Online in 2 Minutes

39 bil agreed in game

Confirmed ! Sending ISK

ISK sended !

transfer started

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