WTS this 24mill character
- 0.0 secruity status
- No kil rights
- No jump clones
- 2 remaps available
- located in Jita
- Positive wallet
looking for 20bill
WTS this 24mill character
looking for 20bill
12,5b offer
Bumperino. I’m sure we can get a bit more
I will go up to 14b if you can close right now.
14.5b ISK ready now. Need your reply within the next 30 minutes or so otherwise my offer will become void.
I will take 14bill
Ok logging in now to transfer the isk
ISK/Account info was sent! Sorry for the delay
ISK received and character transfer initiated. Nice doing business
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Jumbo Bobo
Will be completed after: 8/30/2020 6:33:39 AM
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