NPC Corp
Positive Wallet
No outstanding KR’s against
Focussed for Amarr ships and Barges
Located in High Sec
One single ship loss to date Micha Seraph | Character | zKillboard
B/O 18Bil
NPC Corp
Positive Wallet
No outstanding KR’s against
Focussed for Amarr ships and Barges
Located in High Sec
One single ship loss to date Micha Seraph | Character | zKillboard
B/O 18Bil
Bump \o
Bump o7
Bump o/
15b b/o
Bump o/
Thanks for the offers in game, still for sale o/
Online now o/
Online o/
Bump o/
Bump o/
Bump, potentially sold with more SP o/
I can do 17bil
Hi Vicky, I’ve committed to a 16.9bil bid in game. If this doesn’t go through in 12 hours, it’s yours for 16.9bil.
Micha o/
Isk received. Await free slot on the target account and Micha shall be sent across o/
Transfer started, you should receive an email to confirm.
Flysafe o/
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