WTS 25M SP PVP/PvE char

Located in Jita 4-4
Sec Status: positive
Kill rights: None
Isk: Positive
Implants: yes 2 clon
Jump Clones: 4
Corp: NPC
Security Status +0.73

SP: applied: 25.3 million
SP: unallocated: 605.900k

Starting bid 18b
buy out 30 bil

Clon 1: High-Grade Crystal

Clon 2: Full 4+ Standard

All other Clon is empty.

Both Clon are in Jita and Amarr.



18bil offered

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No higher bids? closes bids tonight at 21:00 Eve time

Up for a trade today?

I can give you 13.5bil and can transfer now

Sorry kasho ye i am here let me know if accept and i will send isk

Hello agian just come home from work, i accept the offer :smiley:

isk sent and details to send to

Isk has been received and account has been sent, Congratulations on your new char Just let me know when you receive it :slight_smile:

Received thx

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